Friday, October 3, 2014

Video Purports to Show ISIS Beheading British Hostage Alan Henning

A video surfaced on Friday afternoon purporting to show an Islamic State militant beheading British hostage Alan Henning.

The militant appeared to be the same executioner who beheaded Americans James Foley and Steven Sotlof, as well as David Haines, who was British.

In the video, the ISIS militant, dressed in black, says Henning would be "slaughtered" but "his blood is on the hands of the British Parliament."

At 51-seconds, the executioner begins to cut Haines's throat and screen goes black. It then shows the Briton's bloodied head on his body.

Alan Henning, a 47-year-old former taxi driver, was kidnapped in December after crossing from Turkey into Syria in an aid convoy. His wife Barbara Henning had pleaded with the militants: "Please release him. We need him back home."

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