Man who had 'agonising' 17-hour erection...

Jason Garnett

A man with a 17-hour erection had to have three pints of drained from his penis to relieve the problem.

Jason Garnett, 23, described the situation as 'pure agony' and said he could only watch in horror as a doctor stabbed a cannula into the side of his manhood. He was diagnosed with a condition known as priapism - caused by a blockage of the blood vessels that empty the penis. Doctors told him they would have to draw off blood to reduce the pressure.

'I got home went to sleep for a bit,' he told MailOnline. 'I woke up at 9am and it was there, but lots of guys have that in the morning.' But by midday, the began to get concerned. 'It started to get really sore, and I looked on the internet to see what it could be. 'I tried putting an ice pack on it, sitting in a bath with some ice and even went for a run around the block with it tucked into my belt.'

While he could urinate, he admits it was quite difficult. By late afternoon, the pain was unbearable and he got his house mate to drive him to hospital. 'At first, he was in hysterics, but then realised how serious it was,' he said. 

'I was in so much pain when I arrived at the desk that I can't remember exactly what I said - but I made the staff laugh,' he recalled. 

Two hours later, a urologist arrived from another hospital to treat him. 

'He warned me he would have to draw the blood out by stabbing the side of my penis with a cannula.
'At that point I thought "just hurry up" - it really, really, really, really hurt.' 

The doctor drained two pints of blood - and the remainder was left to drip out onto an absorbent pad. 

'I think in total there was about three-and-a-half pints that came out,' said Mr Garnett.
'The urologist said he had never seen anything like it.'

Even after the blood had been drained, the erection remained.  It was only at 2am that the problem subsided - after 24 injections. 

Such was the extent of his blood loss and the effect on his blood pressure of the adrenalin injections, Mr Garnett had to spend Friday to Monday in hospital. 

Source: MailOnline

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