Sunday, April 3, 2016

Why "Internet" Is Changing To "internet?"

Associated Press Stylebook have announced that the word “Internet” will no longer be used as uppercased. However, I sort of disagree but I have to adapt and enjoy the stories developing in this month of fun, April!

The AP Stylebook, has been a reference guide to many journalists, newspapers and websites in writing style and new guidelines. In a recent tweet, the publication company defines Internet as “a decentralized, worldwide network of computers that can communicate with each other.” This implies when spelling Internet, capital "I" will be changed to "i." 

Read more.


  1. This is very interesting to know. Eventually, a proper noun like this become so much part of our daily lives and language that it becomes a common noun. English is really a vibrant living language.

  2. I didn't know internet is supposed to be spelled as Internet. haha. Good thing this is happening XD

  3. I did not know this either! Thank you for sharing:)

  4. Doesn't it depend on how you're using the word "Internet"? Or maybe it's just me, lol. I had no idea about this!

  5. Very interesting indeed. I've been studying Norwegian, and internet is always spelled with an uppercase I. Never really noticed the difference until now.

  6. I think it should now be just lower case since it's already a common word. I guess the world is really changing.

  7. Language is really dynamic. New words and terms come out every now and then. Different generations and cultures develop their own language. Developments like this is truly interesting.

  8. Really! Doesn't make much sense with this one and more like how it will be used in a sentence.

  9. I always spelled Internet with a small "i". Thank you for this trivia.

  10. I have used it both ways so it won't really impact me much lol. Good to know however.

  11. Didn't know this piece of info! I have used both forms of the word.

  12. English is a language that keeps changing and evolving. That's the reason its been surviving this long!

  13. Quite an interesting piece of information! I guess it's also a metaphor for internet being more commonplace in the world! :D

  14. I actually had no idea that there was a difference between the uppercase and the lowercased one. haha. Duly noted.

  15. Ooh interesting! Will keep that in mind. I've always used uppercase I when writing the word.

  16. That's something new to me! I didn't know that~ Are the trying to be associated with Apple, but using the i in front too?

  17. This is interesting. I'll tell people about this because I haven't heard it anywhere else.

  18. Languages change constantly - and we must adapt. And if there is a new rule regarding the internet... then I'm guessing we have to adapt to it. And good luck updating your guide:)

  19. Interesting to know about the differences with and without the upper case. Thanks for sharing this information.

  20. this is nice to know.. i never thought about this at all haha thanks!

  21. A dynamic word needs more understanding, INTERNET to internet..hmmm..sounds interesting indeed.
